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是谁下班了还在回复消息 是我呀

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第140章 是谁下班了还在回复消息 是我呀

Your Email does Not constitute my Emergency


by Adam Grant

one morning last summer, I sent a rough draft of a speech to a colleague for feedback. Even though she was away at a conference, she sent me her initial ments that very evening.“Sorry for the delay,“ she wrote. I hadn't expected to hear back from her that week. She wasn't late. but she felt the need to apologize anyway.


Apologizing for slow replies is a symptom of unrealistic demands in an always-on culture. work is presumed to be the dominant force in our lives. Instead of making space for leisure and rest, we have to keep monitoring our munication channels, ready to drop everything at any time. being reachable around the clock means living at the mercy of other people's calendars. It's a recipe for burnout. And it prizes shallow reactions over deep reflection. we wind up rushing to get things done instead of doing them well.


when we place too high a priority on the speed of our email replies, we destroy our ability to focus. Interruptions derail our train of thought and wreak havoc on our progress. when you know you don’t have to reply to emails right away, you can actually find flow and dedicate your full attention where you wish.


Resetting the expectation that we all live on-demand lives will require a broader culture change. A first step is for everyone to stop mistaking promptness for politeness.


how quickly people answer you is rarely a sign of how much they care about you. It's usually a reflection of how much they have on their plate. delayed replies to emails, texts and calls are often symptoms of being overextended and overwhelmed.


For most of human history, being responsive meant paying attention to the needs of a small group of people in your immediate vicinity. Now there's no limit to the number of people who can barge into your inbox. digital overload cries out for us to redefine what it means to be responsive. the true test of a relationship isn’t the speed of the reply. It's the quality of attention you receive.


Every time someone apologizes for a slow reply, seize the opportunity to reset norms. when my colleague said she was sorry, I replied,“Apology rejected!“ And yes, I sent that one right away.


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最近更新太子侍妾 睡梦与清醒 正青梅未熟 绑定改字系统,疯批男主跪求原谅 生命倒计时,高冷总裁妻子疯狂报复我 重生归来,贵女她不对劲 桃花马上威风凛凛 被读心后,我的马甲全掉了 钓系甜妻,贺总自愿咬上钩 圣祖大帝传奇 请不要叫我二蛋战神 海疆共明月 黛玉妈粉穿成薛宝钗后,她杀疯了 葬送的芙莉莲:永恒之旅 星际:人人都想拥有虫母 绑定交换系统后,上交国家当首富 斗破:魂天帝独女,我为魂族少主 龙珠:我被布欧吃出混沌体 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲老婆 冷面总裁的呆萌天才娇妻 
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